Faculty Members

Nosratollah Shajareh Poursalavati

Nosratollah Shajareh Poursalavati

Nosratollah Shajareh Poursalavati    (FA Page)

Associate Professor
Contact Number: 31322473
Resume file :   Download

Contacts information





Office 320W, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, 7616913439, I.R.Iran




WhatsApp: 00989908804513
https://t.me/math96sbuk https://www.civilica.com/p/101004 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nosratollah_Shajareh https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0046-0325 https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&pli=1&user=Y05efRoAAAAJ


 Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

Bachelor's Degree Mathematics ,

 Tehran University

Doctoral Degree Group Theory ,


 Fundamental of Algebra ( Send file )

  1. http://www.vgloop.com/f-/1422977427-302599.pdf


 Group Theory, Multilinear Algebra



Native language


Intermediate level


Intermediate level


Elementary level


 Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research Center(JMMRC)

Manager, From 2016 To now

 Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research Center

Internal Manager, From 2012 To 2016

 Mahani Mathematical Research Center

Member of the Research Council, From 2001 To Now

 Department of Pure Mathematics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

Chairman, From Jan. 2014 To Feb. 2016

Head of Department

 Iranian Mathematical Society

Member of the Executive Council, From 1996 To Now



۱. نصرت اله شجره پورصلواتی، محمود محسنی مقدم، سید ناصر حسینی, (Differential Equations in persian)معادلات دیفرانسیل

کرمان تکثیر, کرمان, ۱۳۹۳

Journal papers

1. Rostami, E. Hedayati, M. Poursalavati, N.S., The flat topology on the minimal and maximal prime spectrum of a commutative ring

Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 1950110-1, 2019
DOI: 10.1142/S021949881950110X EID: 2-s2.0-85048799050

2. M. Tavakkoli, A. Borumand Saeid and N. Shajareh Poursalavati,, Classification of Posets using Zero-divisor Graphs,

Mathematica Slovaca,, 68, 1, 21-32, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/ms-2017-0076

3. N. Shajareh Poursalavati, On the Construction of Molaei’s Generalized Hypergroups

Science Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 5, 3, 106-109, 2017
doi: 10.11648/j.sjams.20170503.12


Pure and Applied Mathematics Journal, 3, 1, 1-7, 2014

5. N. SHAJAREH POURSALAVATI, On the symmetry classes of tensors associated with certain Frobenius groups

Pure and Applied Mathematics Journal, 3, 1, 1-7, 2014

6. N.Shajareh Poursalavati, A. Hasankhani, F-Permutations and some characterization of them br graphs and matrices

iranian journal of mathematical sciences and informatics 1391, 7, 1, 7-20, 2012

7. N.Shajareh Poursalavati, On the generalized characteristic polynomials of a square matrix afforded by some permutation groups

Algebras, Groups and Geometries, 26, 2, 215-222, 2009

8. N.Shajareh Poursalavati, Some properties of the generalized matrix functions

Review Bull Cal. Math. Soc., 14, 1, 35-40, 2006

9. N.Shajareh Poursalavati, Properties of the generalized permutations

Stud.Cercet. Ser. Mat. Univ., 16, 1, 263—268, 2006

10. N.Shajareh Poursalavati, Some properties of the generalized matrix functions

Review Bull Cal. Math. Soc., 14, 1, 35-40, 2006

11. N.Shajareh Poursalavati, Properties of the generalized permutations

Stud.Cercet. Ser. Mat. Univ., 16, 1, 263—268, 2006

12. N.Shajareh Poursalavati, On the Generalized Permutations

Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & cryptography, 8, 3, 365, 2005

13. N.Shajareh Poursalavati, On the Generalized Permutations

Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & cryptography, 8, 3, 365, 2005

14. N. Shajareh Poursalavati, On the orthogonal basis of symmetry classes of tensors associated with the direct product of permutation groups

Review Bull. Cal. Math. soc., 11, 1, 21-26, 2003

15. N. Shajareh Poursalavati, On the orthogonal basis of symmetry classes of tensors associated with the direct product of permutation groups

Review Bull. Cal. Math. soc., 11, 1, 21-26, 2003

16. M.R. Darafsheh, N.S.Poursalavati, On the existence of the orthogonal basis of the symmetry classes of tensors associated with certain groups

Science University of Tokyo J. Math., 37, 1, 1-17, 2001

17. M.R. Darafsheh, N.S.Poursalavati, On the existence of the orthogonal basis of the symmetry classes of tensors associated with certain groups

Science University of Tokyo J. Math., 37, 1, 1-17, 2001

18. B. Davvaz, N.S.Poursalavati, Semi-hypergroups and S-hypersystems

PU.M.A., Pure Math. Appl., 11, 1, 43-49, 2000

19. M.R. Darafsheh, N.S.Poursalavati, Some Results on the Orthogonal Basis of a Symmetry Class of tensors

PU.M.A., Pure Math. Appl., 11, 1, 33-41, 2000

20. B. Davvaz, N.S.Poursalavati, Semi-hypergroups and S-hypersystems

PU.M.A., Pure Math. Appl., 11, 1, 43-49, 2000

21. M.R. Darafsheh, N.S.Poursalavati, Some Results on the Orthogonal Basis of a Symmetry Class of tensors

PU.M.A., Pure Math. Appl., 11, 1, 33-41, 2000

22. B. Davvaz, N.Shajarehpour Salavati, On Polygroup Hyperrings and Representations of Polygroups

J. Korean Math Soc., 36, 6, 1021-1031, 1999

23. M.R. Darafsheh, N. S.Poursalavati, Orthogonal basis of the symmetry classes of tensors associated with the direct product of permutation groups

PU.M.A., Pure Math. Appl., 10, 3, 241-248, 1999

24. B. Davvaz, N.Shajarehpour Salavati, On Polygroup Hyperrings and Representations of Polygroups

J. Korean Math Soc., 36, 6, 1021-1031, 1999

25. N.Shajareh Poursalavati, On the generalized characteristic polynomials of a square matrix afforded by some permutation groups


26. N.Shajareh Poursalavati, A. Hasankhani, F-Permutations and some characterization of them br graphs and matrices



 LaTeX, Word, Pdf, Front page, website design,

Class schedules



FirstName And Last Name Project Name Degree Role def-date
Pre-lie Group in Abstract Differential Geometry M.S 1395/06/06
------------------- M.S 1392/10/23
Zero- divisor graphs of partially ordered sets Ph.D 1395/03/10
------------------- M.S 1392/06/23
- M.S --------
------------------- M.S 1390/11/10
------------------- M.S 1391/09/21
Charactizing Finite groups using the sum if the ordr of the elementy M.S 1394/06/26
------------------- M.S 1390/11/12
Generalized Caylay Digraphs M.S 1391/11/18
Chemical examples in hyper groups M.S 1394/06/03
------------------- M.S --------
------------------- M.S --------
------------------- M.S --------
The Group of Units in Different Rings M.S 1391/06/29
------------------- Ph.D 1397/12/26
Showing 17 results.
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Showing 17 results.
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