Faculty Members

Mohammad Izadi Khalegh Abadi

Mohammad Izadi Khalegh Abadi

Mohammad Izadi Khalegh Abadi    (FA Page)

Associate Professor
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FirstName And Last Name Project Name Degree Role def-date
Nazanin Ghasemi nezhad Investigation of the stability and polynomial approximation for rumor spreading models M.S 1399/11/11
Nazanin Ghasemi nezhad Investigation of the stability and polynomial approximation for rumor spreading models M.S --------
Nazanin Ghasemi nezhad Investigation of the stability and polynomial approximation for rumor spreading models M.S --------
Nazanin Ghasemi nezhad Investigation of the stability and polynomial approximation for rumor spreading models M.S --------
Nazanin Ghasemi nezhad Investigation of the stability and polynomial approximation for rumor spreading models M.S 1399/11/11
Nazanin Ghasemi nezhad Investigation of the stability and polynomial approximation for rumor spreading models M.S 1399/11/11
Nazanin Ghasemi nezhad Investigation of the stability and polynomial approximation for rumor spreading models M.S 1399/11/11
Nazanin Ghasemi nezhad Investigation of the stability and polynomial approximation for rumor spreading models M.S 1399/11/11
Hajar Mohammadi Using orthogonal bases for numerical solution of fractional optimal control problems Ph.D --------
Donya Rezaee The residual power series method and its applications in option pricing. M.S 1401/06/20
Mohamadreza Salehi arashli Analytical And Approximate Solutions Of Euler-Bernoulli Beam Models M.S 1400/11/20
Mohadeseh Sharifi zadeh sirchi Option pricing by using the combined methods M.S 1400/11/16
The rosenau equation and its numerical approximations M.S 1397/11/17
Numerical Techniques for Solving the Nonlinear Hunter-Saxton Equation M.S 1397/11/17
Determining the value of transaction option by numerical solution of the Black-Scholes differential equation M.S 1397/11/16
solving fractional partial integro- differential equations by using predictor- corrector method M.S 1394/09/18
On the numerical soultion of the differential equations by orthogonal Bernstein polynomials M.S 1398/10/18
Local discontinuous Galerkin methods for fractional differential equations M.S 1396/11/21
Investigation of the stability and numerical solution of epidemic models with time delay M.S 1397/11/07
Razieh Farzaneh Pourkermani Numerical methods for solving large-scale differential matrix equations M.S 1398/10/28
Nazanin Ghasemi nezhad Investigation of the stability and polynomial approximation for rumor spreading models M.S 1399/11/11
Nazanin Ghasemi nezhad Investigation of the stability and polynomial approximation for rumor spreading models M.S --------
Nazanin Ghasemi nezhad Investigation of the stability and polynomial approximation for rumor spreading models M.S --------
Nazanin Ghasemi nezhad Investigation of the stability and polynomial approximation for rumor spreading models M.S 1399/11/11
Nazanin Ghasemi nezhad Investigation of the stability and polynomial approximation for rumor spreading models M.S --------
Asma Jafari dehfarsi Ivancevic option pricing model in financial markets. M.S 1403/11/14
Farzaneh Kamali Numerical solution for systems of fractional partial differential equations by using jacobi functions M.S 1395/06/29
Elahe Nazari Numerical solution for Initial- Boundary value Problem to fractional order by using Diffrential tracform method M.S 1395/12/11
Mozhde Ranjbar Numerical solution for multi-order partial differential equations by using operational matrices M.S 1397/11/09
Showing 1 - 20 of 26 results.
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Showing 1 - 20 of 26 results.
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