Faculty Members

Abdolhossein Hemmati Sarapardeh

Abdolhossein Hemmati Sarapardeh

Abdolhossein Hemmati Sarapardeh    (FA Page)

Associate Professor
Contact Number: 32123083




FirstName And Last Name Project Name Degree Role def-date
Arman Ahooie Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Electrical Field on the Kinetics of Asphaltene Deposition on Metal Surfaces M.S 1397/10/29
Behnam Amiri Modelling the Properties of Organic Deposits in Petroleum Reservoirs Using Advanced Intelligent Techniques M.S 1401/06/23
Sajjad Ansari Evaluation of the impact of nano and micro dolomite on adsorption and precipitation of asphaltene in two and three phase systems in relation to enhanced oil recovery operations M.S 1399/10/21
Amir ehsan Avazzadeh Investigating the Synergic Effect of Carbon Quantum Dots and Surfactants on the Interfacial Tension of Water-Oil and Reservoir Rock Wettability M.S 1403/11/17
Mohammad Azargon Investigating the effect of surfactant and salt on the stability of water in oil emulsion with and without ultrasonic waves M.S 1397/09/21
Amirhossein Bakhtiyari Using the Fenton mechanism to improve the quality of heavy oil M.S 1403/11/13
Mohammad saber Dabiri Evaluation of the synergistic effect of the combination of metal nano catalysts on pyrolysis and upgrading of oil in thermal recovery operation Ph.D --------
GHASEM DERAKHSHANDEPOOR Application of Artificial Intelligence in Predicting Asphaltene Adsorption on Various Rock Minerals M.S --------
HASAN DIVANDARI Laboratory Investigation of water control in hydrocarbon reservoirs using Polymers and Magnetic Nanoparticles M.S 1397/06/25
Mohammad Ebrahimi Effect of biopolymer and nano-composites on the wettability alteration of minerals in hydrocarbon reservoirs M.S 1402/06/22
Ehsan Fallahzadeh Evaluation of the impact of salinity on the combined application of nano and micro materials, water and heat in relation to enhanced oil recovery operations M.S --------
Mohsen Fili The combination of natural surfactants and nanoparticles to reduce the interfacial tension for oil and water M.S 1402/11/16
Sina Giahkar Candidate Well Selection for Well Stimulation Operations in One Iranian Oilfield Using Intelligent Models M.S 1400/09/24
Reza Haji hashemi Modelling of drilling fluid density by advanced data mining methods M.S 1400/06/23
Mohammad Hajisavameri Prevention of Asphaltene Deposition on Metal Surfaces by Creating Hydrophobic Coating Using Hierarchical Structures M.S 1398/06/17
Ahmadreza Jafari sirizi Synthesis of modified nano-silica andevolution of its effect on water/oil surface propertiesin connection with chemical oil recovery operations M.S 1403/06/19
Aydin Larestani Predicting the properties of reservoir fluids (saturation pressure,oil formation volume factor, solution gas-oil ratio,and oil density) using advanced artificial intelligence techniques M.S 1400/06/23
Aydin Larestani Experimental investigation of the performance of surfactants and nano particles in CO2 foam generation and stabilization at various pressures and temperatures for CO2 geological sequestration Ph.D --------
Sayyed rohollah Mazaheri Torque/Drag Analysis,,Optimization, South Pars Gas Field, Modeling, Well design M.S 1399/11/05
Mohammadali Mohammadian Modeling Formation damege by Inorganic scales using advanced Intelligent Methods M.S 1403/11/13
Pezhman Mousavi Combined effect of resins and nanoparticles on the wettability of reservoir rocks M.S 1398/10/30
Arefeh Naghizadeh Optimizing CO2 storage and oil recovery of flue gas injection in heterogeneous fractured reservoirs using machine learning methods Ph.D 1403/02/26
Hosein Qaderyfahliany Experimental measurement and modeling of nanofluid properties (viscosity, thermal conductivity) using advanced data mining methods M.S 1399/06/27
Milad Rafiee The effect of biopolymer and nanoparticles on the stability of emulsions in the oil industry M.S 1402/11/16
Negar Rasti Estimation of drag reduction in presence of drag reducing agents in crude oil pipelines using artificial intelligence M.S --------
Mohsen Riazi Experimental measurement of Aphron's rheology and stability: the role of nanoparticels Ph.D --------
Erfan Salehi Modeling of interfacial tension of normal-alkane and CO2-N2 mixture with advanced data mining methods M.S 1400/06/23
Mohamad Sepahvand Investigation the effect of modified nanoparticles and surfactants on the interfacial tension of water/oil M.S 1402/06/21
Aria Shahabi Investigating the effect of ultrasonic waves and asphaltene on the demulsification of water in oil emulsion M.S 1399/04/22
Sajjad Sharifat Evaluation of polymer and nano silica efficiency on improving the performance of Silica gel system in water shut-off operation M.S 1397/09/14
Arash Shirali Comparative evaluation of natural and industrial surfactants adsorption on reservoir minerals M.S 1402/06/22
Nabi Vahdani kia Combined Effect of Ultrasonic and Microoganism on Emulsion Stability in Relation to Enhanced Oil Recovery Operations M.S 1397/06/24
Aireza Zafari dehkohneh Intelligent modeling of using nano-fluid for inhibition of fines migration during low salinity water injection M.S --------
Mohammad mehdi Zarei Optimizing rate of penetration in one of the southern fields of Iran M.S 1400/06/23
Modelling gas properties by advanced machine learning systems M.S 1399/06/17
Synthesizing carbon fiber/ZIF-8 and ?-Fe2O3@ZIF-7 nanocomposites and evaluating their efficiency for separation of oil from water Ph.D 1400/10/15
potential evaluation of Combination use of nanoparticles, biosurfactants and biopolymers in enhanced oil recovery Ph.D --------
Mohammad-Reza Mohammadi Experimental evaluation of the impact of nanoparticles produced from industrial wastes on the stability of foams with environmental utilization Ph.D --------
Ahmadreza Salehi Evaluating the potential of selected oils from Iranian oil fields for In-Situ production of Surface active ingredients (Alkaline Injection) in relation to enhanced oil recovery M.S --------
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