Faculty Members

Esfandiar Eslami

Esfandiar Eslami

Esfandiar Eslami (retired)   (FA Page)

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FirstName And Last Name Project Name Degree Role def-date
Fatemeh Hooshangi Spam Detection with an ANFIS Network Together with the Algorithms of HummingBird and PSO M.S 1402/06/20
Rouholah Hoseini Nave Forcing with elementary substructures Ph.D 1403/04/30
Mohammad Reza Khani Kosar Khizi Topics in eRM-algebras M.S 1402/10/27
Mohsen Moradi marghaki The stable topology for MV-algebras M.S 1400/11/16
Sahla Shirvanifarsani Studying Ideals and Their Properties in BL_Algebras M.S 1402/06/20
------------------- M.S --------
Introduction to conditional logics and investigating similarity spheres M.S 1395/06/29
Orthomodular Lattices and Lifting Property Ph.D 1399/06/25
------------------- M.S --------
Solving intuithionistic Fuzzy Multi-objective Linear Programming using OS Method of intuithionistic Fuzzy reasoning Ph.D 1397/11/17
------------------- M.S --------
- Ph.D 1392/09/20
Residuated Operators in Complemented Posets M.S 1399/06/22
------------------- Ph.D --------
------------------- M.S --------
An Introduction to Relevant Logics M.S 1394/06/17
------------------- M.S 1391/11/14
Matrix theory over residuated Lattices Ph.D 1397/11/17
------------------- M.S --------
------------------- M.S --------
An Introduction to Free Logics M.S 1394/06/01
------------------- M.S 1393/06/19
------------------- M.S --------
------------------- Ph.D --------
Regular filter in residuated lattice M.S 1398/09/13
Comparison of G.Takeuti-S.Titani and K.Atanassov Intuitionistic Fuzzy Logics M.S 1395/11/25
------------------- Ph.D --------
prediction time series with narx neural network M.S 1391/04/25
------------------- M.S --------
------------------- M.S 1390/12/03
------------------- M.S 1393/04/07
------------------- M.S --------
N-Fold Obstinate Ideals in MV-Algebras M.S 1395/11/23
irans car license plate recognition with narx neural network M.S 1391/11/09
Topological Structure of Filter Spaces M.S 1397/06/25
On the Lattice of congruence filters of a residuated lattice M.S 1395/11/20
Branches and Ideals of weak Bcc Algebras M.S 1391/06/18
------------------- M.S --------
------------------- M.S 1393/04/07
Topics in Triangle Algebras Ph.D 1394/12/13
------------------- M.S --------
------------------- M.S 1393/06/18
------------------- M.S --------
Some Hesitant Fuzzy Data Clustering Algorithms Ph.D 1395/04/28
Prime A- ideals and Radical of A- ideals in MV- Moudules Ph.D 1392/05/27
Codes based on residuated lattices. M.S 1396/11/01
An Algebraic Approach to Intuitionistic Fuzzy Logic Ph.D 1395/01/17
Distributive residuated lattices M.S 1396/06/29
------------------- Ph.D 1390/12/07
------------------- M.S --------
------------------- M.S 1390/11/15
Lattice-valued propositional logic M.S 1397/06/25
A new Cluster Maintenance algorithm in mobile ad hoc networks Based on Membership Degree of node in cluster M.S 1390/11/08
Nilpotency and Solvablity of BCI and MTL-Logics (algebras) Ph.D 1397/01/29
An Introduction to First Degree Entailment M.S 1394/06/17
Topics in Temporal Logics Ph.D 1395/11/19
------------------- M.S --------
Construction Interval valued Fuzzy Relation With Application to fuzzy Edge Image M.S 1391/06/18
Algebras inspired by modal logics Ph.D 1394/02/02
Fatemeh Zarisfi kermani Sentiment Analysis based on Fuzzy Logic and Classification Algorithms. Ph.D 1398/06/10
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