Faculty Members

Enayatolah Sharif Pour

Enayatolah Sharif Pour

Enayatolah Sharif Pour    (FA Page)

Associate Professor
Contact Number: 31322400

FirstName And Last Name Project Name Degree Role def-date
Sajjad Alamdarzadeh Comparison of Ferdowsis' Wisdom Teachings in the "Shahname" with Khawjenezamolmolk Tusis' "Siasatname" and Imam Mohammad Ghazali " Nasihatolmoluk" M.S 1403/11/16
Sorya Arbabi The Thems of Resistance in The Poems of Ghaderbakhsh Absalan and Kamal khan Hoot M.S --------
Razieh Beniasadi baravati Analyzing Themes and Patterns in the Initial Third of Kashful Asrar : A content Analysis M.S --------
Mohammad Amin Ehsani Estahbanati Comparative Study of the Sign- Semantics of Satiric Discourse, in the Poems of Abolqasem Halat, Ahmad Matar and William Blake (Based on Significant Works) Ph.D 1401/01/24
Somaiye Haqiqatan Medical Terms in the Poems of Shams M.S --------
Ali Hayat Classification and analysis of the rituals in the mystical works up to the end of the eighth century Ph.D 1401/04/25
Bahareh Mahdavi Astudyof Socialsymbolism in the Poems of Mehdi Akhavan Sales and Mohammad Al-fitouri M.S 1402/04/04
Faezeh Mousapour Structural- Content Analysis of Sub-Narratives in the Sories of Kalileh and Demaneh Based on labov's Theory M.S --------
Nafiseh Nozadi A Study of Tolerance and Kindness in Poetry and Literature of Sustainability During the Islamic Revolution M.S --------
Lela Parvaz A Comparative Analytical investigation of the components of romanticism in two novls windy hieghts by emilt bronte and hieght mmorning from haj seyed javadi M.S --------
Hajar Rajaei nejad Reflexion of Moral Contets in Teenager Stories of Davood Amirian M.S 1401/11/12
Maryam Sabaghi A Comperative Analize in Political Subjects in Beyhagi History and Ethic of Naseri M.S --------
Noshin Zonemat kermani Reflection of the Content of Ibn Arabis Fusus ai-Hakam on the Jami golden Dynasty M.S 1402/06/21
Study of Political and Social Contents in Poems of Mongol Period Ph.D --------
------------------- M.S 1391/11/09
Investigating the phenomenological relationship of mind and language with reliance on poems of women in Iran Ph.D 1399/06/30
------------------- M.S 1392/06/31
------------------- M.S 1390/11/10
The reflection of the universe intelligence in persian mystical poetic texts Ph.D 1398/10/30
Dictionary of ethical recommendations in important poetic texts Ph.D 1394/06/18
------------------- M.S --------
The Analysis of Resistance Prose in Persian Literature from the Beginning to the end of Qajar Period. Ph.D 1397/06/25
Studying the formation and the effects of “eshragh Wisdom” In Persian literature Ph.D --------
a comparative study of wisdom poems in Sanayi and AbuI- AIaye maarris poem M.S 1393/12/23
The funtcion of the four elements(Water, Fire, Wind and Soil) in the works of Sadi M.S 1396/12/15
------------------- M.S --------
The value of knowledge and the relationship such between teachers and students in Saadis works M.S 1394/10/30
------------------- M.S 1390/12/24
Retoric in the most important texts of prose literary teaching M.S 1398/06/20
The Joint of Epic and Mysticism in the Wills of Kerman Province MIA's Martyrs. M.S 1398/11/13
------------------- M.S --------
------------------- M.S 1392/04/11
survey comparative reflect the suffering of the people (people oriented ) in poetry farrokhi and hafez lbrahim M.S 1393/11/08
the role of self- esteem in crevntion. emphasizing upon sadi,s and mutenabi, s works. M.S 1396/03/21
Pucaresque in Persian and Arabi textes. Ph.D 1394/04/06
Examine the ethical implications of Ziya`_e Nakhshabi`s Touti_nameh M.S 1396/06/29
------------------- M.S --------
Compare rhere flection of woman’s lives in the strories of herta muler and razieh Tojar M.S 1398/11/15
------------------- M.S 1390/10/07
------------------- M.S 1395/11/04
------------------- M.S --------
the survey of resurrectin in farsi thwosophical poem from beginning to jami Ph.D 1398/06/13
------------------- M.S 1391/06/29
------------------- Ph.D 1392/08/05
acomparative study of symbols on seyyed haseyni and mahmoud Darvishs resistanse poems M.S 1393/11/07
------------------- M.S --------
------------------- M.S 1392/06/30
------------------- M.S 1391/07/23
------------------- Ph.D 1392/08/05
the application of arouz and rhyme in Persian poetry Ph.D 1398/07/20
------------------- M.S 1391/06/29
------------------- M.S --------
------------------- M.S --------
POets and poems References in the BOOK An Explation on the AItaarruf Lemazhab AItasavof M.S 1395/06/29
------------------- M.S 1391/11/18
------------------- M.S 1391/11/18
------------------- M.S 1390/11/18
A descriptive-analytic glossary of agriculture and animal husbandry terms in The west Of Fars Ph.D 1399/11/11
------------------- M.S --------
the studg of the mystical interpretation of the first and the second story office Masnavi M.S 1395/11/25
astudy and analysis ofthe death and life in ferdosi and motana bbis poemes M.S 1393/06/04
------------------- M.S --------
------------------- M.S --------
------------------- M.S --------
A comparative study OF lyrical literatures elements in the poem OF Sadi and Abunovas M.S 1394/10/29
Recongnition Fictional Creatures in Persian Fantasy Literature (Ajayeb name) M.S 1397/11/08
Dispossessive Ethics in Molavi's Mathnavi M.S 1398/10/02
------------------- M.S --------
------------------- M.S 1391/11/18
A comparative study of syntax words in Persian and Arabic Languages. M.S 1394/10/30
Comparative Study OF Themes in Forough Farrokhzads poems and Souad AI Sabah s Poems. M.S 1395/12/09
acomparative study of female featurein jaleh Ghaemmaghami and Ghadatassamman s poems M.S 1393/10/29
------------------- M.S --------
literature and folklore of RAYEN region (porverb, poetry and folklore M.S 1395/03/29
------------------- M.S --------
------------------- M.S --------
------------------- M.S --------
------------------- M.S --------
------------------- Ph.D 1396/12/02
------------------- M.S 1390/11/18
------------------- M.S 1392/10/25
------------------- M.S --------
Analysis of biographies and testaments of the martyrs Soleimani(other than martyrs ghenetmalek) Ph.D --------
The Examination And Explaining of manifestations of Human Rights ln persian Literature texts from Beginning Until 8tn century of Hejrl Ph.D 1395/11/30
Describing the attributes and physiognomy of the beloved in the Onsori court and Moallaghate Sabe : A comparative study M.S 1397/06/27
Dictionary of ethical recommendations in important poetic texts Ph.D 1394/06/18
------------------- Ph.D 1398/06/13
Regulations of Living AtWorks KhajooKermani M.S 1394/10/29
------------------- M.S 1390/12/20
------------------- M.S --------
------------------- M.S 1390/10/12
------------------- M.S --------
A comparative study of love in Sheykh-e Sanan storys and Ebn- e arabis Tarjeman Alashvaq M.S 1393/12/24
Manuscript correction Meftah al Futuh Ph.D 1401/02/18
Mohamad Adalahi A comparative research on the stanzas (taghazzolat) of Farrokhi Sistani and Motanabbi. M.S 1393/06/18
Tayebeh Afshoon Glossary of khanegah terms M.S 1397/11/07
Seyed abdolrasool Aghili The analysis of resistance paradigms in the work of poets in Jahrom Jurisdiction M.S 1396/12/09
Maryam Amiri Reflection of mirror in folklor and popular culture. M.S 1397/11/16
Mohamad Ariaie A Comparative Study of Subordinates in Persian and Arabic Grammar M.S 1396/07/15
Abolghasem Behzadi The analysis of Persian Resistance prose since the Pahlavi era up to now Ph.D 1397/06/25
Mojtaba Ebrahimi A study of figures of speech (Majaz- e Aghli) in Saadi and Motanabbis works M.S 1393/06/18
Hajar Galedari Analyzing the Stability Components in the Third and Fourth and Fifth Volume of Wassaf History M.S 1399/04/18
MARZIYEH JAFARIZADEH ------------------- M.S 1392/10/30
Mohamad javad Masuodi ------------------- M.S --------
Najmeh Mohammadrezaei Investigating and categorizing themes and literary types in Khamaji Khajavi Kermani M.S 1400/04/27
Zeinolabedin Mollaei Analysis of Shahid Ahmad Zarei Poems from formalism perspective M.S 1394/11/05
Lela Parvaz A Comparative Analytical investigation of the components of romanticism in two novls windy hieghts by emilt bronte and hieght mmorning from haj seyed javadi M.S --------
Zahara Rahmani Reflecting Elements of folklore in the Dehkhoda dictionaries( to the beginning )"kh"of the letter M.S 1396/12/05
Fatemeh Raofinia comparative analysis of patience in works By molavi And lbn- farez M.S 1395/12/09
Mahbobeh Sadeghi goghari Rumis Masnavi Comparison of the Opposites in Abualala Divan and Masnavi, Maulana M.S 1398/10/15
Mohammadreza Saedi roodi The consideration and Analysis of Explicates Symbols and Allegories of Noor versein Mystical Literature Ph.D 1395/02/09
Tahereh Safipour research and subject qanalysis the poets of kamalaldin esmaeil esfehani M.S 1399/06/25
Toktam Samadpour The Comparison of Nature Symbolism between Sohrab-e Sepehri and Ghadat AlsamansPoetries M.S 1395/12/14
Narges Shirazi Analyzing the Structure of the Co- authorship Network of the Researchers Scientific s outputs of Persian Language and Literature M.S 1396/12/12
Vajiheh Zamani babgohari ------------------- M.S 1392/09/23
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