Faculty Members

Yousef Bahram Pour

Yousef Bahram Pour

Yousef Bahram Pour (retired)   (FA Page)

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FirstName And Last Name Project Name Degree Role def-date
Moslem Shafiee Some topics from the theory of manifolds on the black holes Ph.D 1402/04/24
Hyperbolic geometric flow in Riemannian and Finslerian geometry Ph.D 1396/08/03
------------------- M.S 1390/11/15
Failure of pointwise causality conditions Ph.D 1396/06/27
------------------- Ph.D 1397/06/21
Linear structures M.S 1396/12/15
------------------- M.S --------
The space of null geodesics and naked singularities Ph.D 1397/11/16
------------------- M.S --------
------------------- M.S --------
------------------- M.S 1390/10/21
The Separation Axioms in The Space of Null Geodesics Ph.D 1391/06/01
------------------- M.S 1390/11/15
On Gravity‘s Role in Quantum state Reduction M.S 1391/11/18
Causal relations and space of null geodesics M.S 1398/11/01
Evolution of some geometric constants under geometric flows Ph.D 1397/11/15
research on the nature and status of measurement in quantum theory and in particular a detailed investigation of whether the idea of collapse of the wave function refers to an actual physical process or not in this relation we intend to investigate mainly whether gravity is the cause of the collapse Ph.D 1394/10/09
------------------- M.S 1393/06/20
------------------- Ph.D --------
------------------- M.S --------
------------------- M.S --------
On the structure of causal space M.S 1393/11/06
Forks in roda on the way of quantum gravity M.S 1394/06/03
Some Notes on Causal Structure of Spacetime Ph.D 1400/08/30
------------------- Ph.D --------
------------------- M.S --------
On The Linear Stability Of Compact Gradient Shrinking Ricci Soliton Ph.D --------
------------------- M.S --------
------------------- Ph.D 1393/06/19
ghost dark energy in Brans_Dicke cosmology M.S 1392/11/02
Sphere Order Representation of Space-times Ph.D 1391/09/29
Mahdi Barari Generalized gradient Ricci solitons and their existence on some space times Ph.D 1397/04/25
Zoheir Toeiserkani Ravari The Study of second order renormalization group flow and comparing with the Ricci flow Ph.D 1398/01/21
Showing 6 results.
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