Faculty Members

Asadollah Razavi

Asadollah Razavi

Asadollah Razavi (retired)   (FA Page)

Contact Number: 31322439

FirstName And Last Name Project Name Degree Role def-date
Nooshin Dadash motlagh The second-order renormalization group flow for nonlinear sigma models in two dimensions M.S 1402/11/17
Masoomeh Rezvanipoor the hyperbolic metric of a rectangle M.S --------
Masoomeh Rezvanipoor the hyperbolic metric in a rectangle M.S 1399/11/18
Masoomeh Rezvanipoor the hyperbolic metric in a rectangle M.S 1399/11/18
Masoomeh Rezvanipoor the hyperbolic metric in a rectangle M.S 1399/11/18
Masoomeh Rezvanipoor the hyperbolic metric in a rectangle M.S 1399/11/18
Masoomeh Rezvanipoor the hyperbolic metric in a rectangle M.S 1399/11/18
Masoomeh Rezvanipoor the hyperbolic metric of a rectangle M.S --------
Masoomeh Rezvanipoor the hyperbolic metric of a rectangle M.S --------
Hyperbolic geometric flow in Riemannian and Finslerian geometry Ph.D 1396/08/03
Generalized gradient Ricci solitons and their existence on some space times Ph.D 1397/04/25
The space of null geodesics and naked singularities Ph.D 1397/11/16
The Study of second order renormalization group flow and comparing with the Ricci flow Ph.D 1398/01/21
Evolution of some geometric constants under geometric flows Ph.D 1397/11/15
Harmonicity properties of invariant vector filas on three- dimensional M.S --------
equivalence conditions of two bezier curves in the euclidean geometry M.S 1396/12/14
A new connection in a Riemannian manifold M.S 1394/03/16
some vector fields on a riemannian manifold with semi-symmetric metric connection M.S 1393/11/06
On eigenvalues of some operators under the Ricci flow of model geometries Ph.D 1398/07/24
On The Linear Stability Of Compact Gradient Shrinking Ricci Soliton Ph.D --------
Elhan Bahri Pre-lie Group in Abstract Differential Geometry M.S 1395/06/06
Masoomeh Rezvanipoor the hyperbolic metric of a rectangle M.S --------
Masoomeh Rezvanipoor the hyperbolic metric of a rectangle M.S --------
Masoomeh Rezvanipoor the hyperbolic metric of a rectangle M.S --------
Masoomeh Rezvanipoor the hyperbolic metric in a rectangle M.S 1399/11/18
Masoomeh Rezvanipoor the hyperbolic metric in a rectangle M.S 1399/11/18
Masoomeh Rezvanipoor the hyperbolic metric of a rectangle M.S --------
Showing 12 results.
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Showing 12 results.
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