| | | | |
Mohamad ali Aghili nasab | Investigating the Relationship between Organizational Resource Planning and Business Model Innovation Considering the Mediating Role of Organizational Complexity Case Study: Shahid Bahonar Kerman Copper Industries Company | M.S | | 1401/06/22 |
Fatemeh Armand | Investigating the effect of entrepreneurial orientation of energy efficiency on reducing carbon footprints (Study of Midco Kerman Holding Company) | M.S | | 1403/11/15 |
Esmail Behbodi | Investigating the impact of market orientation on the financial performance of small and medium-sized companies (case study: companies located in the industrial estates of Kerman) | M.S | | 1403/09/03 |
Reyhane Ebrahimi kouhbanani | The effect of environmental advertising and social media advertising for product purchase with the mediating role of brand image (Zoodex brand case study) | M.S | | 1402/09/22 |
Elahe Ebrahimpoor | Investigating the relationship between organizational entrepreneurship and the characteristics of a learning organization in the Kerman Tax Affairs Organization | M.S | | 1400/11/18 |
Yasin Fakhim Abdollahi | Providing a framework for the human resources strategic management with Meta-synthesis approach | M.S | | 1402/06/13 |
Saeif Fallahian | Investigating the relationship between marketing through social networks and repurchase intention with regard to the mediating role of value creation and brand interaction (Case study of Instagram users in Kerman) | M.S | | -------- |
Amir Gholamhossein pour | Investigating the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on job performance with the mediating role of communication skills in Jihad Nasr Kerman Comprehensive Omran Holding Company. | M.S | | 1403/11/03 |
Vahide Ghorbanipoor | Investigating the impacts of influencers attributes on consumers purchase intention. (case study: beauty products consumers in Kerman) | M.S | | 1403/06/21 |
Mohammadreza Hosseinkhani | Using kraljic model for developing procurement strategies during sanctions | M.S | | -------- |
Sanaz Iranmanesh | Investigating the use of artificial intelligence in the development of new products | M.S | | 1402/01/19 |
Parisa Kalantarzadeh | Investigating the impact of culture on trust in e-commerce : A case study in Ors Copper Industry design and production company | M.S | | 1401/11/05 |
Fatemeh Karimzadeh | Influence of the university environment in the entrepreneurial intention in public and private universities Case study in Bahonar University of Kerman and Islamic Azad University of Kerman | M.S | | 1402/01/21 |
Arash Khademi | Investigating the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on marketing strategies and their success in small and medium-sized companies( case stady: kerman indastrial town) | M.S | | 1402/06/14 |
Haniyeh Khajoui | investigating the influence of Internal Marketing methods on the sellers' intention to leave (Case study:ofogh koorosh chain stores in kerman) | M.S | | -------- |
Farzad Klantari khandani | Effects of tourists' local food consumption value on attitude, food destination image, and behavioral intention(case study: kerman city) | M.S | | 1402/06/28 |
Mahboobeh Malekghasemi | The impact of aligning business, IT and marketing strategies on firm performance of Sirjan Iranian Steel | M.S | | -------- |
Haniyeh Manzari Tavakoli | the effect of green marketing mix on green consumption behavior according to mediating role of environmental awareness(a case study of consumers of cosmetics and sanitary pharmacies and cosmetics stores in kerman city) | M.S | | 1402/06/19 |
Hamzeh Mohammad Hosseinni | Investigating the Effect of Stress Caused by Covid 19 crisis on tourism industry employees (Case study: Kerman city) | M.S | | 1401/06/22 |
Seyed Abolfazl Mousavi | Investigating the effect of generative artificial intelligence on entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial resilience (a study of technological and knowledge-based companies in Kerman) | M.S | | -------- |
Fatemeh Poourjahanshaei | The effect of website quality on intention to use of digital library users: The mediating role of users' attitudes, online co-creation experience and eWOM | M.S | | 1401/11/05 |
Mohammad Ramezani Karim | The impact of rural entrepreneurship on community renewable energy and sustainable rural development of Kerman city | M.S | | -------- |
Mohammad Ravanbakhsh | Factors affecting customers' lying behavior (case study of clothing stores in Kerman) | M.S | | -------- |
Azam Riahi | The relationship between exogenous motivation and consumer behavior according to the mediating role of information technology acceptance among social network users,bale | M.S | | 1402/06/29 |
Elham Rohollahi | Effect of community relationship management, relationship marketing orientation, customer engagement, and brand trust on brand loyalty (Case study, branches of Maskan bank in Kerman) | M.S | | 1401/09/23 |
ZAHRA ROSTAMI GOHARI | Examining the effect of predictive and motivational factors on the intention of engagement in gamification and on brand attitude (case study : zoodex brand) | M.S | | 1402/11/11 |
Vahid Sadizdeh | The impact of social media marketing on the performance of small and medium enterprises(case study: small and medium enterprises of Kerman sity) | M.S | | 1400/11/16 |
Majid Salehi badjani | Survey of livelihood resilience and strategies of villagers in areas at risk of drought crisis in Frieden County | M.S | | 1401/06/22 |
Mohammad saleh Shahmoradi gohari | The effect of satisfaction motivations and e-trust on customer's e-loyalty (Case study: Customers of Resalat Bank of Kerman) | M.S | | 1401/12/15 |
Parisa Shahnazi kohbanani | Investigating the impact of the characteristics of using social networks and word of mouth advertising on Brand Equity (case study:: carvanica Hotel, Kerman) | M.S | | 1402/11/18 |
Fatemeh Shokoh Saljooghi | Explaining the impact of gamification on learning, knowledge creation and performance of Butia steel of Kerman city) | M.S | | 1402/10/27 |
Jalal Shokraei | Investigating the impact of poverty and unemployment crisis on the tendency of criminal behavior among the educated youth of Yasouj city | M.S | | 1402/02/11 |
Mahdi Shool | Examining the relationship between internal and external cohesion of organizations and crisis management performance | M.S | | 1402/06/27 |
Sina Teifouri | Investigating the effect of different entrepreneurial oriantations on team and organizational performance of Kerman Telecommunication Company | M.S | | 1401/03/11 |
Zahra Yazdani Ahmadabadi | Investigating the effect of the functional dimensions of the customer's online shopping experience on impulsive online buying with regard to the mediating role of attitudinal loyalty to e-commerce platforms (case study: Ba Salam website) | M.S | | -------- |
Mitra Zohar | Investigating the effect of stakeholder pressure on the acceptance of corporate social responsibility with the mediating role of organizational culture (Iranshahr Baluch Textile Development Factories) | M.S | | -------- |
Mitra Zohar | Investigating the effect of stakeholder pressure on the acceptance of corporate social responsibility with the mediating role of organizational culture (Iranshahr Baluch Textile Development Factories) | M.S | | -------- |
| Investigating the Impact of Social Responsibility, and Business Ethics on Apple Products Brand Attitudes | M.S | | 1400/09/29 |
| Study of the influence Business ethics, corporate social responsibility, and brand attitudes Apple products | M.S | | -------- |
| Investigating the Factors affecting the intention of value co-create in e-commerce (Case study, technology companies of Kerman Science and Technology Park). | M.S | | 1401/06/23 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1391/11/16 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1393/05/01 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1397/06/27 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1394/10/27 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1393/06/17 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1394/11/05 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1390/11/08 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1391/09/11 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1394/06/18 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1391/06/26 |
| The impact of supply chain strategies on supply chain integration and competitive performance in Kerman Barez Tire Factory | M.S | | 1397/10/30 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1394/10/29 |
| The role of religion and environmental marketing orientation on the performance of small and medium enterprises: case study of Tehran province | M.S | | 1398/06/16 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1396/04/21 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1392/06/20 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| Investigating the impact of Manufacturing capacity on organizational performance due to the mediator Role of entrepreneurial orientation case study: Cooperative production companies in kerman | M.S | | 1396/12/13 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1394/09/08 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1395/06/28 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1395/03/23 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1392/06/28 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1391/07/29 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1391/11/01 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1391/06/29 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1390/10/05 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1391/04/27 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1395/12/11 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1391/11/17 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1391/06/28 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| The impact of human capital on business entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship | M.S | | 1396/12/13 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1391/11/17 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1393/06/15 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1391/08/02 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1393/10/24 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1391/10/30 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1395/12/15 |
| Investigation of relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance in Fars Province Red Crescent Organization | M.S | | 1396/04/19 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1391/08/20 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1392/04/17 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1394/06/18 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| Prioritizing entreprenership indice with the Resilient economy approch in Kerman province | M.S | | 1399/02/20 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1392/10/11 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1395/06/29 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1394/10/14 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1393/04/31 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1392/04/05 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1390/11/06 |
| prioritize consegaences of the crisis of dust storms ( case study sistan ) | M.S | | 1396/06/26 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1394/10/13 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1394/06/29 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1391/11/09 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1394/11/05 |
| Design and validiation of GSCM enablers framework (case study.sarcheshmeh copper complex) | M.S | | 1397/10/30 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1392/06/28 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1391/04/03 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1395/06/29 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1394/10/14 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1394/06/18 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1394/10/27 |
| Investigating the Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on the Performance of SMEs with the Mediating Role of Functional Performances, Case Study: From the Perspective of Managers of Manufacturing Companies of Kerman Industrial Estates. | M.S | | 1399/09/29 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1393/05/01 |
| Investigating the Factors affecting the adoption of green information technology by IT managers in kerman province | M.S | | 1399/04/22 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1394/06/15 |
| Examining the effect of relational and non-relational advertisements on the probability of a mobile phone purchase Case Study،Shahid Bahonar University Students | M.S | | 1397/11/14 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1391/04/27 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1396/06/29 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1392/04/05 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1391/11/01 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1391/11/16 |
| The effect of the security on Foreign Tourists Satisfaction (A Case study in Kerman) | M.S | | 1396/06/26 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1391/08/20 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| Investigation and Prioritizing the Factors Affecting the Crisis in Small and Medium Enterprises of Industrial Towns in Kerman | M.S | | 1398/06/20 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1395/12/02 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1390/11/18 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1391/11/14 |
| Investigating the Impact of Social Media Advertising Features on Customer's Behavior, Case Study: Mobile's Purchasers in Kerman. | M.S | | 1398/06/16 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1394/10/15 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1394/06/18 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1392/11/08 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1394/11/04 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1391/04/27 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1394/11/04 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1392/06/28 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1393/11/08 |
| Studying the impact of co-creation value on customer satisfaction through banking:Qard-al-hassna Resalat bank | M.S | | 1397/10/30 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
| Assessing the performance of crisis management in road accidents in Fars province based on crisis management cycle | M.S | | 1398/07/29 |
| Investigating the Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Employees on Crisis Response in Relief and Rescue Operations red crescent population of Kerman | M.S | | 1398/10/29 |
| ------------------- | M.S | | 1395/06/27 |
Elnaz Ahmadi | Investigating the effect of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and leadership on the entrepreneurship motivation and innovative behavior and business performance (case study: small and medium-sized companies in Kerman) | M.S | | 1403/09/11 |
Masoumeh Amirialiakbarkhani | Investigating Effective Factors on Positive Word of Mouth and Repatronage intention Case study Proma Shopping mall of Mashhad | M.S | | 1397/11/14 |
Naghme Amirzade | Investigating the Internal and External Factors Affecting Product Innovation in Knowledge Based Companies in Kerman. | M.S | | 1397/06/21 |
MohammadAmin Aramesh | Identifying and ranking factors influencing marketing on social network x (twitter) | M.S | | -------- |
Mohammad Askari tajabadi | ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
Ali Bahreini | ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
Mohammad Chahardoli | ------------------- | M.S | | 1392/06/03 |
Azade Ebrahimi bahreini | ------------------- | M.S | | 1393/10/17 |
Afsaneh Emami poor | ------------------- | M.S | | 1392/08/08 |
Nafise Eshaghi | Study the effect of internal and external stakeholders pressure on the performance of crisis trustee organizations of the kerman province in natural crises. | M.S | | 1398/11/16 |
Saeif Fallahian | Investigating the relationship between marketing through social networks and repurchase intention with regard to the mediating role of value creation and brand interaction (Case study of Instagram users in Kerman) | M.S | | 1400/07/28 |
Sedigheh Farsizadeh | ------------------- | M.S | | 1395/06/27 |
Farid Fathi | ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
Naghmeh Forouzanpour | ------------------- | M.S | | 1395/10/29 |
Hossein Golshan Ardakan | ------------------- | M.S | | 1391/11/19 |
Khosrow Hafezi-Motlagh | Examining the Barriers to Entrepreneurship in the Universities Case Study of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman) | M.S | | 1397/11/14 |
Ali Hasani saadi | Recognising and prioritising ofatributiesaffecting the purchase of housing Case Study: Buyers of Kerman | M.S | | 1398/04/25 |
Simin Hekmatinia | ------------------- | M.S | | 1392/06/28 |
Khadijeh Heydari | ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
Mohammadreza Hosseinkhani | Using kraljic model for developing procurement strategies during sanctions | M.S | | -------- |
Mohammadreza Hosseinkhani | Using kraljic model for developing procurement strategies during sanctions | M.S | | -------- |
Maryam Jamali paghaleh | The Impact of Pricing Strategies on Final Profit of companies Case Study Kerman Province Industrial Estates Company | M.S | | 1399/12/10 |
Amirhosein Kamali | Evaluation of the impact of innovation on Corporate Entrepreneurship | M.S | | 1396/06/28 |
Mojtaba Khast | ------------------- | M.S | | 1395/12/15 |
Mahboobeh Malekghasemi | The impact of aligning business, IT and marketing strategies on firm performance of Sirjan Iranian Steel | M.S | | -------- |
Mahboobeh Malekghasemi | The impact of aligning business, IT and marketing strategies on firm performance of Sirjan Iranian Steel | M.S | | 1400/04/19 |
Mahboobeh Malekghasemi | The impact of aligning business, IT and marketing strategies on firm performance of Sirjan Iranian Steel | M.S | | -------- |
Atefe Mehdiabaditakabi | Strengths weakness threats opportunities of productives of native and local of kerman(case study:shahdad) | M.S | | -------- |
Hamideh Mehrabi mahani | ------------------- | M.S | | 1393/11/06 |
Mohammadjavad Mohammadi | The effect of interactive behaviors of frontline employees on the perceived value of services and customer loyalty: the mediating role of cooperative behaviors and customer citizenship (Case study: Asia insurance branches in Kerman city). | M.S | | 1403/11/15 |
Mohaddaseh Mohammadi | ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
Hossein Mohsen beygi | ------------------- | M.S | | 1393/06/18 |
Moazemeh Mollamohammadiravari | Evaluation of e-readiness of Kerman city in crisis management | M.S | | 1397/11/13 |
Raziyeh Mollazadeh | Effect of the factors influencing loyalty transfer to brand name change(caze study bist company) | M.S | | 1398/09/06 |
Frough Moosa ali | ------------------- | M.S | | 1393/06/19 |
Mohammad Mosaiepoor | ------------------- | M.S | | 1390/10/19 |
Aida Neshat alizade | Investigating the influence of entrepreneurial, market, knowledge management orientations on cleaner production and the sustainable competitive advantage | M.S | | -------- |
Soraya Omidi | ------------------- | M.S | | 1393/06/12 |
Ali Pedram | The Influence of Personal and Organisational Factors on Intrapreneurship Intention: a Case Study on Provincial Health Managing Directorates of Iranian Social SecurityOrganization in Kerman | M.S | | 1399/11/11 |
Sepideh Poorramezan | ------------------- | M.S | | 1393/10/20 |
Ali Razmipour | ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
Ahmad Rezamand | ------------------- | M.S | | 1395/10/29 |
Fateme Riahian | ------------------- | M.S | | 1392/11/10 |
Hossein Sabzali poor | Investigating the Impact of Mobile Banking on Customer Interaction: A Case Study of M-banking in the Brenches of Tejarat Bank at Rafsanjan. | M.S | | 1398/06/16 |
Mohammad javad Saeidi | ------------------- | M.S | | 1392/11/08 |
Hashem Sharifi | ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
Hadis Sharifi Nejad | Effects of marketing activities based on social media on customers response with emphasis on the mediating role of brand equity;case study Mashadleather | M.S | | 1399/02/20 |
Maliheh Sheykh Shoaie | The factors influencing electronic word of mouth advertising with the mediating role of customer co-creation value (cccv): case study:instagram advertising campaigns | M.S | | 1399/12/11 |
Mohsen Shokri | ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |
Asma Sohrangi Nejad | Investigating the effect of convenience and social interaction on customer satisfaction, in view of the role of customer experience mediation ( Case study: Qarz Al-Hasaneh Mehr Iran Bank ) | M.S | | 1398/09/11 |
Farideh Tajoddini | ------------------- | M.S | | 1392/04/05 |
Marjan Tavasoli fard | ------------------- | M.S | | 1393/11/08 |
Hadi Towiserkani | ------------------- | M.S | | 1393/10/09 |
Roya Yafteh | The study of factors affecting behavioral intentions of health tourists based on stimulus organism response framework (Case study: Healthcare centers of Yazd city) | M.S | | 1399/11/06 |
Asma Yazdani | ------------------- | M.S | | 1392/10/16 |
Mehrnaz Ziaaddini | ------------------- | M.S | | 1392/06/28 |
Mitra Zohar | Investigating the effect of stakeholder pressure on the acceptance of corporate social responsibility with the mediating role of organizational culture (Iranshahr Baluch Textile Development Factories) | M.S | | -------- |
Mitra Zohar | Investigating the effect of stakeholder pressure on the acceptance of corporate social responsibility with the mediating role of organizational culture (Iranshahr Baluch Textile Development Factories) | M.S | | -------- |
Mitra Zohar | Investigating the effect of stakeholder pressure on the acceptance of corporate social responsibility with the mediating role of organizational culture (Iranshahr Baluch Textile Development Factories) | M.S | | 1400/09/15 |
Zhaleh Zohreh kermany | ------------------- | M.S | | -------- |