Faculty Members

Ali Mohebbi

Ali Mohebbi

Ali Mohebbi    (FA Page)

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FirstName And Last Name Project Name Degree Role def-date
Fatemeh Adkia Experimental study of copper electrolyteself-purification in the proccess of copper electrorefining M.S 1402/06/27
Najmeh Amin Al Roayaie Studying the effect of temperature and sulfuric acid concentration on glue degradation in copper electrorefining electrolyte solution using molecular dynamics simulation M.S --------
Fatemeh Arabpour dahouie CFD Simulation of miscible water-alternating-gas injection in a fractured sand pack M.S 1403/11/16
Reyhane Asadi Khanooki MD simulation of dissolution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mixture of supercritical water and hydrogen M.S --------
Mahdiyeh Azadpour Simulation of reactive particulate flow using lattice Boltzmann and smoothed profile methods Ph.D --------
Muhammad amin Deris asl Simulation and optimization of the performance of gas square cyclone separator by CFD and meta-heuristic algorithms M.S --------
Muhammad amin Deris asl Simulation and optimization of the performance of gas square cyclone separator using CFD, DOE and bat meta heuristic algorithms M.S 1401/03/24
Muhammad amin Deris asl Simulation and optimization of the performance of gas square cyclone separator by CFD and meta-heuristic algorithms M.S --------
Hssein Esfandiyari gharibvand CFD simulation of a gas cyclone separator with the multi-layer central channel for separating oil droplet from gas stream M.S 1403/06/27
Milad Ghanbari CFD simulation of calciner with liquid fuel in Kerman Momtazan Cement Co(KMCC) M.S --------
Milad Ghanbari CFD simulation of calciner with liquid fuel in Kerman Momtazan Cement Co(KMCC) M.S --------
Milad Ghanbari CFD simulation of calciner with liquid fuel in Kerman Momtazan Cement Co(KMCC) M.S --------
Milad Ghanbari CFD simulation of calciner with liquid fuel in Kerman Momtazan Cement Co(KMCC) M.S --------
Milad Ghanbari CFD simulation of calciner with liquid fuel in Kerman Momtazan Cement Co (KMCC M.S 1401/04/07
Mansoor Gholamizadeh kouhbanani Design, simulation and optimization of hydrocyclone for separation of Barium Sulphate from slime in Copper electrorefining electrolyte using computational fluid dynamics and design of experiment M.S 1402/11/17
ATEFE HEIDARI ALIKHANI Effect of molecular weight of polyethylene glycol on the quality of copper cathod produced by copper electrorefining M.S 1402/06/27
Vida Iranmanesh parizi Laboratory study of brakish water desalination using the combined method of biodegradable composite membrane and capacitive deionization Ph.D --------
Ahad Izadi Yazdanabadi Study of the dissolution in porous media using the volume of fluid and lattice Boltzmann methods Ph.D 1403/09/24
Mohammad Mehdi Jalali Determination of oxygen amount for correcting the amount of SO2 pollution from the stack of Pelletizing Plant in Golgohar Mining and Industrial Company using the process simulation and machine learning M.S --------
Mohammad Mehdi Jalali Determination of Reference Oxygen Amount for Correcting the Amount of SO2 Pollution Emitted from the Stack of Pelletizing Plant in Golgohar Mining and Industrial Company using the Process Simulation and Machine Learning M.S 1400/06/20
Mohammad Mehdi Jalali Determination of oxygen amount for correcting the amount of SO2 pollution from the stack of Pelletizing Plant in Golgohar Mining and Industrial Company using the process simulation and machine learning M.S --------
Mohammad Mehdi Karimi CFD simulation of calciner with gaseous fuel in Kerman Momtazan Cement Co (KMCC) M.S 1400/10/27
Mohammad Mehdi Karimi CFD simulation of calciner with gas fuel in Kerman Momtazan Cement Co(KMCC) M.S --------
Mohammad Mehdi Karimi CFD simulation of calciner with gas fuel in Kerman Momtazan Cement Co(KMCC) M.S --------
Mohammad Mehdi Karimi CFD simulation of calciner with gas fuel in Kerman Momtazan Cement Co(KMCC) M.S --------
Mohammad Mehdi Karimi CFD simulation of calciner with gas fuel in Kerman Momtazan Cement Co(KMCC) M.S --------
Shervin Mahmoudi CFD Simulation of slime particles dispersion in the electrorefining cell of Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex under electric field M.S 1403/04/23
Fatemeh Mahmoudi Experimental study of anodic slime decopperizing of copper electrorefining process M.S --------
Fatemeh Mirzaei Numerical investigation of the effect of mitral valve and blood properties on flow pattern inside the heart M.S --------
Behnaz Momenpoor Nanostarch production via precipitation and its application to stabilize Pickering emulsion Ph.D --------
Fatemeh Mozafari Ghoraba Numerical and Experimental Study of Transport Phenomena in Seed Potato Tissue by Lattice Boltzmann Method during Cold Storage Ph.D --------
Mahsa Poor masomei Investigation of ions effect on Chitosan-Omecametive Mecarbil as a drug delivery system by molecular dynamics simulation M.S --------
Mahsa Poor masomei Study of Chitosan-Omecametive Mecarbil as Drug Delivery System in Body Conditions Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation M.S 1400/11/17
Mahsa Poor masomei Investigation of ions effect on Chitosan-Omecametive Mecarbil as a drug delivery system by molecular dynamics simulation M.S --------
Mahdiye Rahimnavaz Qazvini Prediction of flow field in Stairmand cyclone separator using computational fluid dynamics, design of experiment and deep learning M.S 1403/10/29
Shahrzad Rajabi mehdi abadi Experimental study of the effect of chitosan biopolymer molecular weight on cathode surface quality during copper electrorefinning process M.S --------
Mohammad saleh Sadeghi ronizi Optimization of performance of Stairmand cyclone separator using computational fluid dynamics, experimental design and machine learning M.S --------
Mahsa Safizadeh CFD simulation of thiourea and glue concentrations distribution under electronic field effect in the copper electrorefining cell of Sarcheshmeh copper complex M.S --------
Mahya Shabani Simulation and optimization of melting process of phase change materials with CFD and experiment design M.S --------
Zahra Shamsaddin CFD simulation and optimization of cooling tower of Kerman zinc ingot pilot plant M.S --------
Zahra Shamsaddin CFD simulation and optimization of cooling tower of Kerman zinc ingot pilot plant M.S --------
Zahra Shamsaddin CFD simulation and optimization of cooling tower of Kerman zinc ingot pilot plant M.S --------
Haniyeh Zangi darstani Investigating the effect of environmental parameters (temperature and type of surface) and type of disinfecting agents on survival and duplication time of the COVID-19 virus by molecular dynamics simulation M.S --------
Haniyeh Zangi darstani Investigating the effect of environmental parameters (temperature and type of surface) and type of disinfecting agents on survival and duplication time of the COVID-19 virus by molecular dynamics simulation M.S --------
Haniyeh Zangi darstani Study of alkaloids with quercetin nucleus for inhibition of SARS- CoV-2 protease and receptor cell protease using molecular dynamics simulation M.S 1400/11/20
CFD simulation of dynamic separator of cement mill unit of Kerman Momtazan Cement Co(KMCC). M.S --------
CFD simulation of dynamic separator of cement mill unit of Kerman Momtazan Cement Co(KMCC). M.S 1399/12/09
CFD simulation of dynamic separator of cement mill unit of Kerman Momtazan Cement Co(KMCC). M.S 1399/12/09
CFD simulation of dynamic separator of cement mill unit of Kerman Momtazan Cement Co(KMCC). M.S 1399/12/09
CFD simulation of dynamic separator of cement mill unit of Kerman Momtazan Cement Co(KMCC). M.S 1399/12/09
CFD simulation of axial flow cyclone separator of preheater unit of Kerman Momtazan Cement Plant. M.S --------
CFD simulation of axial flow cyclone separator of preheater unit of Kerman Momtazan Cement Plant. M.S 1400/11/20
CFD simulation of axial flow cyclone separator of preheater unit of Kerman Momtazan Cement Plant. M.S --------
CFD simulation of axial flow cyclone separator of preheater unit of Kerman Momtazan Cement Plant. M.S --------
CFD simulation of axial flow cyclone separator of preheater unit of Kerman Momtazan Cement Plant. M.S --------
CFD simulation of CVD process to produce carbon nanotube adsorbents M.S 1391/11/15
Experimental and modeling study of natural gas sweetening process by nanofluids based on metallic nano-oxides (Al2O3, SiO2) and graphene in DEA solution Ph.D 1395/12/10
Study of Copper Solvent Extraction by 5 -Nonylsalicyladoxime in Molecular scale Ph.D 1398/07/24
Consequence simulation and risk assessment of gas dispersion from off-spec gas condensate storage tank in South Pars 4th refinary M.S 1394/09/14
------------------- M.S --------
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of dissolution in porous media with considering solid-fluid reaction interface and general concentration boundary condition Ph.D --------
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of dissolution in porous media with considering the interface surface area of solid-fluid reaction and general concentration boundary condition Ph.D 1401/06/16
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of dissolution in porous media with considering solid-fluid reaction interface and general concentration boundary condition Ph.D --------
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of dissolution in porous media with considering solid-fluid reaction interface and general concentration boundary condition Ph.D --------
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of dissolution in porous media with considering solid-fluid reaction interface and general concentration boundary condition Ph.D --------
Mathematical modaling of Hydrogen adsorption on the carbon nanotub M.S --------
------------------- M.S --------
invetigation of gas pollution by suspended particles in kerman gas pipe lines M.S --------
The study of separation of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfid methane through carbon nanotube by molecular dynamics simulation M.S 1395/12/08
Experimental study of iron removal from copper electrowinning solution by ion-exchange technique in a fixed bed column M.S 1394/10/27
study of convection process in fractured reservior M.S 1390/11/11
CFD simulation of dynamic separator of cement mill unit of Kerman Momtazan Cement Co(KMCC). M.S 1399/12/09
CFD simulation of dynamic separator of cement mill unit of Kerman Momtazan Cement Co(KMCC). M.S 1399/12/09
Optimization of the Effective Parameters on the Oil and Gas Wells Production Using Harmony Search Algorithm M.S 1391/04/10
Evaluation of pollutants emission by sending by gas to flare :reducing the pollutants and recovering its energy M.S --------
CFD simulation of a wetted-wall column for natural gas sweetening using DEA M.S 1394/10/27
comparision and investigation oh recovery factor from simulation of water and gas injection in one the reserviors in the south of iran M.S --------
MD simulation of extraction of heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions using ionic liquids Ph.D 1398/07/24
------------------- M.S --------
CFD simulation of axial flow cyclone separator of preheater unit of Kerman Momtazan Cement Plant. M.S --------
CFD simulation of axial flow cyclone separator of preheater unit of Kerman Momtazan Cement Plant. M.S --------
CFD simulation of axial flow cyclone separator of preheater unit of Kerman Momtazan Cement Plant. M.S --------
CFD simulation of axial flow cyclone separator of preheater unit of Kerman Momtazan Cement Plant. M.S --------
Investigating Spouted Bed of Inert Particles for Drying Heat Sensitive Biological Solutions Ph.D 1400/06/13
------------------- M.S 1392/06/24
prediction viscosity and thermal conductivity of nanofluid using local composition theory M.S --------
Numerical simulation of convection in fractured reservoirs M.S 1390/11/11
Investigation of sulphate concentration reduction from the effluent of sarcheshmeh copper complex M.S --------
Experimental study of the effects of silica nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes on mechanical properties of tyre M.S 1393/11/07
experimemntal study of (water alternative gas) wag injection M.S --------
------------------- M.S 1391/11/16
------------------- M.S 1390/11/08
Labrotery and numerical study of a hyrocylcone for separation of biodisel impurities and optimizing its operation Ph.D 1399/06/02
prediction of pressure drop in venturi scrubbers using population balance model M.S --------
------------------- M.S --------
cfd modeling of settlers in leaching plant ats.c.c M.S --------
------------------- M.S 1391/11/09
------------------- M.S 1391/10/27
Investigation and numerical modeling in separator system of wet dust collection in the concentrate factory of GolGohar iron ore company of sirjan M.S 1393/10/24
SO2 adsorption , venturri scrubber , mathematical modeling M.S --------
investigation of the effect of steam injection on one of iranian heavy oil reserviors M.S --------
------------------- M.S 1390/11/10
------------------- M.S 1391/11/16
Mathematical modeling of diffusional mass transfer in a fractured oil porous medium M.S 1395/06/31
------------------- M.S 1391/10/30
Exprimental study and simulation of oil convection with diffusion in a fractured micromodel Ph.D 1396/08/03
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of dissolution in porous media with considering solid-fluid reaction interface and general concentration boundary condition Ph.D --------
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of dissolution in porous media with considering solid-fluid reaction interface and general concentration boundary condition Ph.D --------
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of dissolution in porous media with considering solid-fluid reaction interface and general concentration boundary condition Ph.D --------
CFC Modeling of Bubble Column Reactor M.S --------
Prediction of the optimum gas velocity for condensate removal from gas wells M.S 1392/10/07
------------------- M.S 1390/09/19
prediction of thermal conductivity and viscosity of nanofluid by molecular dynamic simulation M.S 1391/04/29
The experimental study of the effect of microwaves and radio waves on copper leaching process M.S 1394/06/16
Experimental study of a suitable system for drug release based on niosome and evaluation of its physicochemical properties M.S 1396/12/10
------------------- M.S 1393/06/18
The Experimental and Numerical Studies of the Effect of Magnetic Field on the Performance of Copper Electrowinning Process Ph.D 1399/06/11
Laboratory and numerical studies of a column flotation cell at Sarcheshmeh copper complex and providing the solution for improving its performance Ph.D 1400/12/21
CFD modeling of the electrolyte flow in a copper electrolysis cell at refinery plant of sarcheshmeh copper complex M.S 1390/11/15
reduction of sulfate ion concentration from wastewater using nanofilteration M.S 1390/11/03
Saeed Afsharimanesh Study of artificial intelligent methods for predicting natural gas compressibility factor and their application M.S 1393/06/17
Shahla Ahmadi pour Prediction of pressure drop in butterfly valve scrubbers using computational fluid dynamics and population balance model M.S 1393/11/04
Mohammad Alipanah ------------------- M.S --------
Fatemeh Amini CFD Simulation of gas condensate electrostatic desalter at south pars fourth refinery M.S 1395/11/13
Mina Amiri doomari Removal of iron ion from electrowinning and raffinate solutions of sharcheshmeh copper complex by ion-exchange and chemical precipitation techniques M.S 1392/11/05
Mohadeseh Amouzandeh Calculation and comparison of water diffusion coefficient in cellulose and its derivatives by molecular dynamics simulation M.S 1401/06/22
FARZANEH ASADIPOOR Environmental impact assessment (EIA)of Zarand Iranian Coking Complex with focus on simulation of the emission of gaseous pollutants from the stack M.S 1394/10/26
Morteza Barati Simulation of natural convection heat transfer in fractured oil reservoirs by using Lattice Boltzmann method M.S 1396/12/12
Sepehr Barati Nardin Investigating the productivity loss due to the condensate bank generation for different flowing period after the start of the production in the wells of south pars gas condensate field M.S 1392/12/25
Soroush Bazyar Estimation of distillation curve for alcohol-petroleum fractions blend based on ASTM D86 M.S 1393/11/05
Mahtab Berahman Investigation of the Effect of Geometric Dimensions of Gas Separator Cyclone on its Performance Using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Similarity Analysis M.S 1399/12/06
Ghasem Beyginalu Simulation and optimization of thermosyphon using computational fluid dynamics and design of experiment M.S 1396/06/29
Maryam Changizi Experimental study of the effect of magnetic field on copper leaching process M.S 1392/11/08
Nasim Daneshvar CFD simulation of a cough flow M.S --------
Saied Davoodi Experimental investigation of close loop oscilating heat pipe(clohp) M.S --------
Muhammad amin Deris asl Simulation and optimization of the performance of gas square cyclone separator by CFD and meta-heuristic algorithms M.S --------
Hossein Dorrani Investigating heat transfer mechanisms in metallic nanofluids by molecular dynamics simulation Ph.D 1402/04/27
Hossein Dorrany Prediction of density of ionic liquids by molecular dynamics simulation and comparison of the results with equations of state M.S 1392/11/07
Milad Ghanbari CFD simulation of calciner with liquid fuel in Kerman Momtazan Cement Co(KMCC) M.S --------
Milad Ghanbari CFD simulation of calciner with liquid fuel in Kerman Momtazan Cement Co(KMCC) M.S --------
LIDA GHASEMI Studying dynamic pressure variations in 250 psi pipe line of Sadi CGS M.S 1394/11/07
Sanaz Ghassemi Design and simulation of stairmand cyclone using computational fluid dynamics and intelligent algorithms M.S 1396/12/10
Zeynab Gholami Investigating the effect of polyglycerol molecular weight for improving surface properties of copper cathode produced by electrorefining method M.S --------
Nazanin Gholhovallahi Study of the effect of accelerator to sulfur ratio and nano clay on mechanical properties of natural rubber M.S 1398/03/27
Amin Golestani Investigation of Nozzle effect on cupper concentration distribution in electrolysis cell of Sharcheshmeh cupper complex using CFD M.S 1392/10/30
Taher Hasanvand ------------------- M.S --------
Ebrahim Hendoozade CFD Simulation of axial flow cyclone separator for dust collector unit of Mashiz Bardsir steel industries complex M.S 1400/06/23
Mohammad Mehdi Jalali Determination of oxygen amount for correcting the amount of SO2 pollution from the stack of Pelletizing Plant in Golgohar Mining and Industrial Company using the process simulation and machine learning M.S --------
Mehdi Jamshidi shadbad Removal of mercury from drink water and waste water using CARBON NANO TUBE M.S --------
Zahra Jeyhani Prediction of thermodynamic properties of ionic liquids using molecular dynamics simulation M.S 1398/06/11
Farnaz Karamnezhad Hydrodynamic modeling of the bubble column for caustic regeneration in the fourth refinery of south Pars complex by computational fluid dynamics M.S 1393/08/28
Mohammad Mehdi Karimi CFD simulation of calciner with gas fuel in Kerman Momtazan Cement Co(KMCC) M.S --------
Mohammad Mehdi Karimi CFD simulation of calciner with gas fuel in Kerman Momtazan Cement Co(KMCC) M.S --------
Mohammad Mehdi Karimi CFD simulation of calciner with gas fuel in Kerman Momtazan Cement Co(KMCC) M.S --------
Elham Kashani CFD Simulation of preheater cyclone of Kerman cement plant and optimization of its performance M.S 1395/06/31
Samira Kolooti CFD simulation of tyre curing machine hood M.S 1400/06/22
Ali Maghzi Experimental study of the effect of nano particles on polymer flooding performance for enhanced oil recovery in high temperature in five spot glass micromodel M.S --------
Masoume Maki MD simulation of a reverse osmosis polymeric membrane for water purification M.S 1396/12/13
Mehdi Mirzaei Simulation of production in one of Gas Condensate Reservoirs for determinig Effective Factors on Condensate Blockage and Introducing Suitable Solutions for its Control M.S 1392/10/24
Fatemeh Mirzaei Study of enantioseparation of 1-4 boromo phenyl ethanol enantiomers by cyclodextrin derivatives using molecular dynamics simulation M.S 1400/11/18
Hakimeh Mohammadi Ghanatghestani Design and simulation of sodium bicarbonate production process from carbon dioxide gas M.S 1396/12/14
Fateme Mousavi Simulation of CO2 absorption into Fe3O4/water nanofluid in a venturi scrubber under a magnetic field M.S --------
Mahjabin Najmi noori ------------------- M.S 1392/06/27
Reza Nouriyan Design and simulation of optimum odorizer system for natural gas to reduce odor in city gate stations M.S 1395/12/11
Ali Papi Simulation of natural convection and diffusion effects on composition variation of hydrocarbon fluid in a fractured porous medium M.S 1394/10/28
Peyman Parsaee ------------------- M.S --------
Mahsa Poor masomei Investigation of ions effect on Chitosan-Omecametive Mecarbil as a drug delivery system by molecular dynamics simulation M.S --------
Fatemeh Rafihzadeh Prediction of erosion by solid particles in gas cyclone separator using computational fluid dynamics M.S 1400/11/16
SINA RAHIMI Experimental and simulating effect of PCMs on the household's hot water thermal energy storage M.S 1398/04/12
Hamid Razmi CFD simulation of an industrial hydrocyclone M.S 1396/06/28
Reza Rezaei Dehshibi Laboratory study of ultrasonic waves effect on enhanced oil recovery in a glass micromodel M.S 1395/12/11
Somaye Riahi Experimental study of arsenic removal from aquous solutions by electrocoagulation method M.S 1397/06/18
Houri Sattari CFD simulation of melting process of phase change materials (PCM) M.S 1392/10/25
Fatemeh Shafieizade mahani Removal of Hydrocarbon Contamination from Copper Electrowining Solution (Copper Sulfate) Using Silica Aerogel/Polyglycerol Hybrid M.S 1400/06/24
Amirreza Shahabi Investigation of the effect of nanofluid stability on asphaltene particles in a synthesic oil using glass micro-model M.S 1397/06/24
Zahra Shamsaddin CFD simulation and optimization of cooling tower of Kerman zinc ingot pilot plant M.S 1401/05/29
Zahra Shamsaddin CFD simulation and optimization of cooling tower of Kerman zinc ingot pilot plant M.S --------
Danial Shariati motlagh ------------------- M.S --------
Vahide Shojaie Optimization of operating parameters for production of Titanium dioxide from Ilmenite concentrate using mechanical activation and alkali decomposition Ph.D 1393/06/18
Muhammad Taahodi Simulation of Dissolution in a Porous Medium using Lattice Boltzmann Method M.S 1398/06/13
Seyyed abdolazim taghavi Taghavi simulation study of miacible and immiscible gas injection in saturated oil reservior natural fracture M.S --------
Mahsa Taheri Exprimental study of the effects of radio waves and different flocculants on flocculation process of slurry in copper industries M.S 1395/12/07
Sara Talati The study of heavy metals separation from aqueous solutions through carbon nanotubes by molecular dynamics simulation M.S 1393/11/08
Sajad Younesi Investigation of proxy models, performance of a reservoir simulation model for predicting oil recovery factor in one of the Iranian South-West reservoirs M.S 1393/06/17
Kimiya Yousefi Remediation of oil-contaminated soil using landfarming at the laboratory-scale M.S 1397/12/14
Haniyeh Zangi darstani Investigating the effect of environmental parameters (temperature and type of surface) and type of disinfecting agents on survival and duplication time of the COVID-19 virus by molecular dynamics simulation M.S --------
Mojtaba Zarei The study of carbon dioxide injection to oil reservoirs in a laboratory scale using pore network modeling M.S 1395/06/07
Nahid Zare Design and simulation of scrubber for desulfurization of outlet gas from roasting furnace of chalcopyrite concentrate M.S 1396/06/29
Showing 8 results.
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